Roland's homepage

My random knot in the Web


This is my home in the virtual world, where I write about things that I want to share. The freely available software that I've written as well as some of the photographs I've taken over the years can also be found here. Please use the navigation links on the right if you are looking for something.

Recent articles

  1. Kitchen scale repair

    After a couple of decades of use, the pointer on my Hema analog kitchen scale broke. This model is long out of production, and analog scales of this weight class (500 g) are kind of rare.

    Since I have a preference for equipment that doesn’t require batteries I wanted to repair it. This article documents how that was done.

    To be honest, if I didn’t have a 3D printer this repair might not have happened. The pointer is a small and delicate injection molded part with a wall thickness in the order of 0.5 mm.

  2. Sharpening aid for DMT diamond whetstone

    Years ago, I bought a DMT diamond whetstone to replace a worn out ceramic whetstone. Since then I’ve been happily using it for freehand sharpening of tools and knives.

    While my freehand sharpening is OK, it is hard to get consistent angles when freehand sharpening. So when I got a 3D printer, I thought it would be nice to print a sharpening guide.

  3. Drill bushings in 3D printed parts

    In order to make a 3D printed drilling jig last longer, I wanted to put drill bushings in it. Being new to 3D printing, I decided to print a test piece to see what the size of the holes should be for a snug fit.

  4. Building the Prusa MK4S

    Buying a 3D printer had been on my mind for some time. The choice for the Prusa MK4S was driven by a couple of factors.

    • A printer designed and built in Europe is strongly preferred.
    • PrusaSlicer is free software is and available as a package for my operating system of choice (FreeBSD).

    As a mechanically inclined person, the choice for the self-build kit was a no-brainer. It’s like Lego for adults. :-)

  5. Writing C in 2024

    To learn how it works and because I don’t use Java, I decided to port professor Michael Pound’s implementation of the Enigma machine and the fitness and analysis code.

    The initial port was done to Python. Unfortunately, this is one instance where Python was rather slow because of the large amount of settings that need to be tried.

    So I decided to port it to C instead.

  6. Building CalculiX with the PaStiX solver without CUDA

    The CalculiX solver package on FreeBSD is compiled with the SPOOLES (SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver) library by default. This is also the case in many Linux distributions because SPOOLES is free, while faster solvers like PARADISO are proprietary.

    SPOOLES is relatively fast compared to the built-in iterative solver, its most fundamental limitation is that the data must fit in RAM.

    However a patched version of the PaStiX solver has been integrated with CalculiX. It is often faster than SPOOLES and can use a GPU using the CUDA library.

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