A new STL convertor added
In addition to stl2pov
, I’ve now written a program that writes a shaded
projection of the STL file (along the z-axis) as a PostScript file. It
supports arbitrary rotations of the STL file around x-, y- or z-axis and
automatically centers the object in the view, so you can easily create views
of the object from all sides. Unsurprisingly this is called
. PostScript can be easily converted to a PDF file with
e.g. ghostscript (or its pdfcreator front-end for Windoze). Creating a
PostScript file and then viewing it with an appropriate viewer is generally
_much_ faster than running it through POV-ray!

To the right is a picture of the metatron STL file, which has been
rendered as a PostScript file by stl2ps
. (The PostScript file has been
converted to a PNG file by ImageMagick for inclusion on this webpage.)
Creating this extra program was not that hard, because I implemented the STL file reader as a stand-alone Python module. Basically it reads the STL file and then creates an STL object that contains a list of facets (triangles). This object is also an iterator, so it it easy to step through all the facets. Since this code is BSD-licensed, you can easily re-use it in your projects.
For comments, please send me an e-mail.