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Articles about software

  1. Generating barcodes with “BWIPP

    Originally I looked for a Python module to generate barcodes, and I found the treepoem module. This used Pillow to create bitmaps, and I preferred to have PDF or other resolution independant formats. Looking through the README, I found that treepoem is a wrapper for bwipp. This is a set of PostScript procedures to generate barcodes.

    Since I’m familiar with using PostScript, I decided to use bwipp directly.

  2. A simple feed reader for Youtube

    As an exercise, I wrote a small script to read the Atom feeds for some favourite youtube channels. Of course I could have installed a “real” feed-reader, but that would be overkill and not half as much fun. :-)

  3. Attempting a conky replacement in Python (part 2)

    In part 1 we say that a simple replacement for conky for generating a statusline for i3 can be achieved. But since it uses the subprocess module to call external programs it is pretty CPU intensive.

    The question now is if we can reduce that? For that we’re going to use mmap to look at the mailbox, and call sysctlbyname(3) using ctypes to get the remaining system information. Note that sysctl et al and the names used are specific to FreeBSD.

  4. SHA256 in pure Python

    This is a python implementation of the SHA256 command-line program, for operating systems that lack it.

    date: 2015-08-03
    modified: 2018-12-15
    reading time: 1 min.
    category: software
    tags: python3
  5. Managing configuration files with ‘deploy’

    The deploy script is a program for managing configuration files. This script grew out of my need for a multi-functional installer for configuration files. I tend to keep those files in a separate git repository rather than changing my $HOME into a git repository.

  6. TeXcalc

    As an engineer, I often do diverse calculations that I want to save in my logbooks which I write in LaTeX. Up to now I’ve either formatted those by hand or used the listings package to include calculations made in IPython.

  7. Stltools

    From the release of version 3.2, the py-stl software has been renamed to stltools. The reason I made this …

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