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Articles about freebsd

  1. Roll back a FreeBSD port with svnlite

    Sometimes I’m too hasty with updating ported applications, and I need to roll them back to a working version. Since I use svnlite to manage my ports tree, this is relatively easy. But since it is different than I’m used to (since I mostly use git), I thought I would document it here for convenience.

  2. Install ntpsec on FreeBSD

    A short article on how to install ntpsec on FreeBSD. Tested with 0.9.7 and 1.0.0.


    There is/was a bug in the ntpdate implementation that set the clock to a completely bogus value. So I’ve since written a simple script that runs from cron to fetch the time from a near NTP server.

    date: 2018-01-28
    modified: 2019-07-30
    reading time: 2 min.
    category: freebsd
    tags: ntp python3
  3. Building gphoto2-ffi on FreeBSD


    Clone the repository from

    > cd ~/github
    > git clone

    Build …

    date: 2017-04-18
    reading time: 1 min.
    category: freebsd

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