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My random knot in the Web

Older articles (4/26)

  1. Zero DSR power consumption

    Based on the data from the dashboard I’ve created a graph of the power consumption for a 2020 Zero DSR.

    As far as possible, this was measured on a level road at constant speed, on a good road surface and without much wind. The power is the product of the speed in km/h and the energy usage in Wh/km.

  2. Patching CalculiX Graphics to fix flipped screen hardcopy

    Since some time, I’ve had the problem that generating hardcopy images from cgx doesn’t work properly; the pictures are inverted vertically.

    At first, I thought this might have been a change in cgx. But comparing the source code for cgx.c for 2.16 up to and including 2.19, I don’t see anything that would explain it.

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