Opening vim in a new terminal
By default, when you open vim it runs on the current terminal. When running X11, I want to start it in a new terminal.
By default, when you open vim it runs on the current terminal. When running X11, I want to start it in a new terminal.
As a real-world benchmark I rebuilt the FreeBSD OS after the most recent published vulnerabilities.
Although I have a battery indicator on the bottom of my laptop screen I don’t alway check that often enough. That’s why I wanted to add an extra warning in the form of an audio signal. So even if I’m turned away from the laptop, it should still catch my attention.
Detecting possible parameters.
> xinput --list-props 13
Device 'Kensington Kensington Expert Mouse':
Device Enabled (138): 1
Coordinate Transformation Matrix (139): 1 …
Detecting possible parameters. Updated for “styx”, a Lenovo ideapad 5
styx:~> xinput --list-props 11
Device 'MSFT0001:00 04F3:3140 TouchPad …
On FreeBSD, ports save their configuration parameters under /var/db/ports
When you de-install a port, this configuration remains behind.
This is how to clean old configurations up.
Originally I looked for a Python module to generate barcodes, and I found the treepoem module. This used Pillow to create bitmaps, and I preferred to have PDF or other resolution independant formats. Looking through the README, I found that treepoem is a wrapper for bwipp. This is a set of PostScript procedures to generate barcodes.
Since I’m familiar with using PostScript, I decided to use bwipp