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My random knot in the Web

Older articles (14/27)

  1. Adding text or graphics to a PDF file

    Using Acrobat Reader’s ability to add text et cetera has proven unreliable for me. On multiple occasions I have lost all the text added to a PDF file. When your filling in 20-plus pages worth of permit forms this is a huge waste of time and extremely annoying.

    So I set out to find another way using the free and open-source tools I have available.

  2. Thermen museum, Heerlen

    On 2016-08-12 I visited the Thermenmuseum in Heerlen.

    This museum is built around the remains of a Roman bath in what was then called the vicus of Coriovallum, which is situated at the intersection of two Roman roads, the Via Belgica and the road between Aquae Granni (Aachen) and Colonia Ulpia Trajana (Xanten).

  3. In programming, small and simple is beautiful

    If you would look over my github repositories, you’ll see that most of my programs are pretty small. And in general they are command-line applications. And that is good, because small is beautiful and simplicity is a virtue.

    date: 2016-07-05
    reading time: 1 min.
    category: programming
  4. Parallel execution with Python

    With Python it is relatively easy to make programs go faster by running things in parallel on multiple cores. This article shows you how.

    We sill concentrate on a type of problem that is easy to parallelize.

    date: 2016-06-28
    modified: 2022-02-06
    reading time: 7 min.
    category: programming
    tags: python3
  5. Using a scanner for macro photography

    Although you wouldn’t guess it from the contents of this blog, my day job involves the design and production of products from fiber reinforced composites. A lot of my projects fall under non-disclosure agreements, so I cannot discuss them here.

    What I can do is share some of the methods I’ve developed over the years. One of those is using a desktop scanner to make close-ups.

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