Patching CalculiX Graphics to fix flipped screen hardcopy
Since some time, I’ve had the problem that generating hardcopy images from
doesn’t work properly; the pictures are inverted vertically.
At first, I thought this might have been a change in cgx
. But comparing
the source code for cgx.c
for 2.16 up to and including 2.19, I don’t see
anything that would explain it.
The image that cgx
generates consists out of multiple parts that are saved
as intermediate tga
(targa) files.
The composite
program from ImageMagick is that used to combine them into
a single tga
Converting that single tga
file to other formats is the job of the
program (also from ImageMagick).
When I made a small change to cgx
to not delete the intermediate
-files, I noticed that I could view those just fine. It was only after
I tried to use convert
to change them into say png
files that I noted
that they ware inverted.
This makes it into an ImageMagick problem.
After a day of searching and experimenting, I found this ImageMagick issue.
According to the ImageMagick developers, this behavior is expected, and you
should always use the -auto-orient
option when converting a tga
Personally, I find the reasoning behind that somewhat bizarre, especially
since it used to work withouth this option. But it is what it is.
Since composite
does not support the -auto-orient
option, I created a patch
for cgx
. This adds some mogrify
calls to fix the orientation for the
intermediate files.
It also adds -auto-orient
options to all the convert
calls just to be
sure, although that last bit might be overdoing it.
--- cgx.c.orig 2022-02-27 01:13:45.360230000 +0100
+++ cgx.c 2022-02-27 14:20:13.251444000 +0100
@@ -856,14 +856,24 @@
while( access( "0__.tga", F_OK ) != 0 );
while( access( "1__.tga", F_OK ) != 0 );
while( access( "2__.tga", F_OK ) != 0 );
- //sprintf( buffer, "composite -compose atop -gravity SouthWest -geometry +1+1 2__.tga 1__.tga 3__.tga");
+ sprintf(buffer, "mogrify -auto-orient 0__.tga");
+ system(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "mogrify -auto-orient 1__.tga");
+ system(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "mogrify -auto-orient 2__.tga");
+ system(buffer);
sprintf( buffer, "composite -gravity SouthWest -geometry +1+1 2__.tga 1__.tga 3__.tga");
system (buffer);
while( access( "3__.tga", F_OK ) != 0 );
+ sprintf(buffer, "mogrify -auto-orient 3__.tga");
+ system(buffer);
//sprintf( buffer, "composite -compose atop -gravity NorthWest -geometry +%d+%d 3__.tga 0__.tga hcpy_%d.tga",
sprintf( buffer, "composite -alpha off -gravity NorthWest -geometry +%d+%d 3__.tga 0__.tga hcpy_%d.tga",
(GLint)width_menu*19/20, (GLint)height_menu/10, nr);
system (buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "mogrify -auto-orient hcpy_%d.tga", nr);
+ system(buffer);
sprintf( buffer, "rm -f *__.tga %s",DEV_NULL);
system (buffer);
@@ -908,7 +918,7 @@
/* on some systems PS has to be changed to PS2 */
//sprintf( buffer, "convert -density %dx%d -page +49+196 -gamma %lf hcpy_%d.tga ", (int)((double)(PS_DENSITY*width_w0)/(double)(INI_SCREEN+INI_MENU_WIDTH)),(int)((double)(PS_DENSITY*width_w0)/(double)(INI_SCREEN+INI_MENU_WIDTH)) , GAMMA, psNr, psNr);
- sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_%d.tga -page A4 %s", psNr, fileName);
+ sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_%d.tga -auto-orient -page A4 %s", psNr, fileName);
system (buffer);
printf("%s\n", buffer);
sprintf( buffer, "rm -f hcpy_%d.tga %s",psNr,DEV_NULL);
@@ -941,7 +951,7 @@
while( access( "hcpy_0.tga", F_OK ) != 0 );
- sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_0.tga _%d.gif",gifNr);
+ sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_0.tga -auto-orient _%d.gif",gifNr);
system (buffer);
@@ -965,7 +975,7 @@
if(filePtr!=NULL) sprintf(fileName,"%s.gif",filePtr); else sprintf(fileName,"hcpy_%d.gif",gifNr);
printf("create %s\n ",fileName);
- sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_%d.tga %s", gifNr, fileName);
+ sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_%d.tga -auto-orient %s", gifNr, fileName);
system (buffer);
sprintf( buffer, "rm -f hcpy_%d.tga %s",gifNr,DEV_NULL);
system (buffer);
@@ -980,7 +990,7 @@
if(filePtr!=NULL) sprintf(fileName,"%s.png",filePtr); else sprintf(fileName,"hcpy_%d.png",pngNr);
printf("create %s\n ",fileName);
- sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_%d.tga %s", pngNr, fileName);
+ sprintf( buffer, "convert hcpy_%d.tga -auto-orient %s", pngNr, fileName);
system (buffer);
sprintf( buffer, "rm -f hcpy_%d.tga %s",pngNr,DEV_NULL);
system (buffer);
For comments, please send me an e-mail.
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